Monday 3 October 2011

The rest of June

OK, I am carrying on with my big-blog-catch-up... As I look at my wall calendar for June, it's the usual kind of stuff - meeting Jack's mentor (ie. form tutor!) for him starting 2ndry school, Jack's day visits to his 2ndry school (which he loved), Stake fun day, book clubs, hair cuts, Lucy's parents' evening (which was unreservedly brilliant. Her teachers all said she is not only doing fantastically well academically, but that she is lovely too. I even had two teachers who we hadn't made appointments with come up to me to say Lucy is clever, and that they hope she will do their subject at GCSE, and will cry if she doesn't...)

My over-riding memory for June and July really though, is stressing over preparations for our church's Stake Youth Camp.

And here is Tom, on 16th June, very happy because the picture which he submitted to his favourite website - Club Penguin, got displayed in their online art gallery!

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