Monday, 3 October 2011

Harry's Farm Trip

On Thursday 7th July, I went with Harry's class on a school trip around a local farm. It was brilliant! We walked from the school through the fields for a way, then were met by two tractors pulling covered tailers with seats, which we all piled into, and headed for the farm yard. Harry is the one in orange (of course).
The two farmers on the trip - Lee, the Dad of Harry's friend, and Richard, the husband of one of my friends.
After a really interesting talk about the seed drill, we headed back out onto the farm, where all the kids got to pull up their own sugar beet. Here's Harry with his BELOVED beet, which we had to keep for weeks afterwards.
It was so much fun bumping around in the trailers!
We then got to play on some of the big machines.
 Who put my five year old in the driving seat of THIS?!
After the trip, we got dropped half-way back, then walked the rest of the way to school. Harry with one of the girls in his class!
It's funny, but I really feel like I have a better appreciation for the place where I live now - it feels more like home, the more I get to know about the land, and the people around here.

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