Monday 7 June 2010

Holiday - Last Weekend

Saturday was wet, and we stayed in and played. Here are most the kids, watching a DVD on the computer in Ken and Bev's living room. I happily took Dad up on his offer to cut all the boys' hair!
On Sunday after church (which we managed to miss half of, because we remembered the time wrong - in spite of going every year!), I thought it would be good to get a 'nice' picture of the boys. Fat chance. These were the best of the lot...
On Monday morning we had a delivery of sand, cement, blocks etc. which meant Dad could start work on what will be our storage shed. Two of the onlookers. Dad also started the Parexing on the back of the house. He is a master at this! We have yet to see any in France done as gorgeously. (It's usually just slapped on, with lots of the beautiful stone covered up. Dad uses big homemade 'piping bags' and pipes the Parex into the gaps, then moulds it into place, then later on when it has nearly set, brushes off the excess - slowly, gap by gap.) The rest of us got on with moving a vast pile of stone out the way of the patio area. We started making a rough wall with it, where it can stay till it gets used later.
(Scott and I taking a break!)
Harry helping to fill the shed base with rubble.
A bit more marching going on - even Harry joined in this time (he was too self conscious to do it before.)

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