Tuesday, 2 February 2010


Sunday was nice at Ben & Anna'a - said goodbye to Beks - before she heads off on her American adventure! Since then it's been cleaning and ironing, and trying to sort out broken things. The tumble dryer has been making incredibly loud shrieking noises, but I've been determined to get all my washing dried in it, before the repair man comes tomorrow, because it may not work at all after that. My camera lens was making bad noises too, so that has all been parcelled off to Sony today. My car has decided it will not lock, but that's not so great a loss, as I never locked it much before anyway. I managed to fix the dishwasher myself, so that's OK now, but I am getting fed up of the pilot light which keeps going out. Thankfully my sewing machine still works! Jack doesn't want a quilt but a big cushion, so here are the squares for that. LAST PHOTOS FOR QUITE SOME TIME...

The family:

SCOTT: Says he is 'totally a cutie' (Think he spent too much time with the Young Women tonight...)

ME: The above, plus I went for a run this morning, and did rubbish again (had to walk). I don't know why I run OK at night, and really struggle in the mornings.

LUCY: Says she is tired. She seems happy though, and looks like she enjoyed Young Women's tonight.

JACK: Has cried about 4 times today, but he was happy too by bedtime. I think he was feeling a bit sensitive because I whooped him at Settlers of Catan. He has sent in a reply slip to join the school Ukulele club.

TOM: Has the most ridiculous hanging-out tooth, that he won't let me pull out. He loves being a free reader and has read 4 Roald Dahl books in the last two weeks. (Which makes me laugh, seeing as he was on 4-lines-a-page books at school.) Tom cleared up and set the table beautifully this evening without being asked.

HARRY: Bought a tiny pink teddy from the charity shop today, and called it Lucy. He didn't want to go to playgroup yesterday, so had a day off, and slept for over 3 hours in the afternoon. He is a mainiacal scooterer, to and from school.

1 comment:

Juli Poulton said...

Well at least I know what to get you for your birthday! More fabric-there's a great shop up here that has some amazing fabrics.