The boys have got on pretty well with each other - lots of lovely imaginative play with lego and playmobil going on. Harry developed a rash all over him on Thursday morning, but seemed fine in himself. He made me laugh yesterday - was wondering round the house calling for Lucy and muttering to himself about where she was 'hiding'. He missed her, I think.
Also on Thursday friends came over, and then stayed for tea - I like it when things happen unplanned! The house was a tip though, which I made a lot worse whilst making tea. Leek & Potato Soup was on the menu, and I picked the leeks out the garden (while it was snowing - so pretty). The leeks have been growing there since last Easter! And they were only this big! We used the entire crop for one pan of soup!! (It tasted good though.)
Anyway, so now there is very little in our room except beds - but oh what comfort... (That's my fillering on the wall by the way - getting ready to decorate.)
Also yesterday some fabric I was waiting for arrived, so now I have finished the top of Lucy's quilt. I've also been working on another quilt (See my craft blog for pics.)
Today, more chaos upstairs - Tom wanted to share rooms with Harry, so he has swapped with Jack, who is happy to have his own room. 3 bin bags of recycling/charity shop stuff/RUBBISH.
Everywhere is looking spick and span now though.
Scott also made a trip to the dump - after we managed to fit a kingsize mattress into our car (without opening the boot - because it still does not open!) - quite a feat.
Jack and Tom got haircuts today. I've been putting it off for ages, and asked Scott if he would take the boys with him to the hairdressers instead. Scott said he could do, but it would cost quite a bit, and wouldn't I rather do it and spend the money on quilting fabric? OK! It only took me about 15 minutes in the end. I love Scott's logical view on life!
I don't think Harry and I will make it to church tomorrow. I thought his rash was going, but now it's gone blotchy and itchy and he is a poorly boy. Poor little thing.
1 comment:
Love the leeks! Oh and the beds.
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