Got the kids off to school along with presents for their teachers. Harry and I then went to Lucy and Jack's school for Lucy's Leavers' Assembly. A pretty good storm started up, but everything was all going nicely, till Harry needed a drink, and we crept out to go to a water fountain. We looked in one of the classrooms and saw water pouring through it like the tide coming in. We told one of the staff, but they were busy with other floods that were coming in all over the school. The assembly carried on - the House that Lucy is House Captain over won the most house points for the year, so she went up to get the trophy for that, and then she was also awarded with a certificate for being 'a wonderful and committed young leader' - she and her friend have been acting as young leaders with kids down at the infant school for a couple of years. The assembly had to end pretty soon after that though as all the teachers had gone out to rescue stuff from their classrooms. The headmistress told everyone the school had to be shut and the power turned off. Some of the kids were crying and it was a bit chaotic! The storm was really loud too - ridiculously heavy rain and lots of thunder and lightening. I got Lucy and Jack, and we had to go straight to the Clinic for Harry's eye test. I thought it was a shame that the year 6 kids didn't get to get signatures in their yearbooks etc, but the kids didn't seem worried - Lucy said it was the best day of her life!!
Harry was worried about the thunder, but we walked to the clinic, and went in for Harry's appointment. It was awful - Harry was totally unco-operative and wouldn't even face the doctor - he kept struggling with me and I've now got a really painful shoulder - pulled something in it. Anyway, after me taking him out the room 2 times to talk to/threaten/bribe him, and him still not being tested, we gave up on it and were chatting about testing him again in the future, when Harry suddenly warmed up and got talkative and then did the whole test... His vision is perfect anyway...
Went into town after that and got Lucy's secondary school uniform. Over £80 and that doesn't include coat, footwear, trouser, skirt etc!! We also picked up triple of Tom's prescription to keep us going over the summer - looks more like it will keep us going for the next 3 years - 6 enormous bottles!
My visiting teaching appointment for the afternoon got cancelled, so a bit of rest (though I remembered I hadn't made my 'Handmade Cards' donation for the Ward Activity auction tomorrow, and got them sorted out)
Picking Tom up from school, the torrential rain started again (and loads of lightening and thunder again) - it was crazy! We were soaked through in seconds - the umbrella totally broke (the whole stick bit fell off) and Tom had no coat.
Didn't really say goodbye to anyone for the summer.
We got home anyway and a few minutes later I noticed water was flooding into the porch through one of the walls, so spent quite a while mopping up and hoping it would stop raining soon so more water would stop pouring in. It eventually did, and I think the porch will dry out OK. I just finished that, then Ethan our nephew arrived - I'm babysitting him for the evening so Shane and Dawn can go and see Harry Potter. I made a quick dinner (thank goodness for previously made & frozen chilli) ready for Scott to eat when he got in - he and Jack have gone to the cinema now as well to see Harry Potter. Lucy and I are going tomorrow night after the Ward Activity. We got the tickets with Tesco vouchers - it works out quite a good deal.
I am looking forwards to a quiet evening anyway.
Hiya! Looks like you've had a busy couple of weeks - have had lots of fun nosing through your pics! School play and sports day look like fun, and I'd definitely say you've got our rain - that is, if it wasn't still throwing it down here as well! Sounds like a very dramatic last day at junior school for Lucy! Can't believe she's off to senior school in September. How time has flown by. Love the pics of the kids at the temple - they're looking fab and SOOOO grown up. And Tom is turning more and more into a mini-Jack every time I see him! Anyway - I'm off to bed. Have been pretty under the weather this week with a coldy-type thing... fingers crossed it's not swine flu! Speak soon. XXX
Wow, that sounds like a crazy day.
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