Saturday, 25 March 2017

Lucy's Mission Call (14th December 2016)

On Wednesday 14th December, Lucy and I went and delivered a load of stuff we'd bought for a local homeless charity which my friend works for, to her house. I also took all our Christmas presents that were being posted to the Post Office, then we went to Johnson's for lunch. It was lovely! We saw the crocodiles and wandered round looking at the other animals too.
We thought Lucy's mission call might have come by the time we got home - Bishop could tell from the church computer system that it had been assigned, and we knew that they often arrive on Wednesdays! It hadn't though.

Lucy's art work for the day!

At nearly 3pm I saw the postman walk past our house, carry on to next door's house then cross the road, so figured he probably wouldn't be coming back to ours with any post. He did though! I went down to the porch and there on the window sill was a big white envelope from the church! Lucy was in the living room, and I held it up grinning!
Lucy had already decided that if it came today she would wait till the boys got in from school, and get Scott on the phone before opening it. We wouldn't all be together at home till after 11pm.

I'd been asked to be on a Skype call with the missionaries at 3pm, so went to do that, but we couldn't get a connection, so by 3.20pm I ended up leaving it, but did manage to get Mum on Skype. I took my laptop downstairs and set it up so that Mum would be able to see when Lucy opened her call. 
Jack and Harry came home from school, and I went off in the car to pick up Tom, who always takes longer to walk home. I found him on the main road with friends, pulled up and said 'Get in!! Lucy's mission call has come!!'
We got Scott on the phone, and Abi Bleakley on Facetime. I was videoing, then Lucy opened it!

Lucy was called to the England London South Mission, leaving on 19th April 2017!
A tiny bit of me felt disappointed that it wasn't somewhere more exciting, or with a language to learn etc, but mainly I felt really happy that she's staying in England! Lucy herself was delighted!
I'm so glad that I can send post to Lucy and have it arrive the next day - I think I'll feel closer to her. I'm also glad she'll be physically close, so in any emergency she'll be in driving distance. I'm glad she'll have the NHS, and can keep things relatively simple with her Diabetes.
Scott was really excited too, as Lucy's mission covers some of the same areas Scott served in on his mission.
I was also glad she wasn't leaving for quite a while - I can defer the reality of her actually going for a bit longer! I will miss her so much.

Here's Lucy showing Grandma her mission area! Lucy was really excited to see all the nice places in the South of England that her mission covers.

The soon to be Sister Lucy Helen Cryer!

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