Sunday, 26 February 2012

Just stuff

Also on Friday 10th February, I hosted book club. I spent some of the day making the biggest mess known to man making cupcakes, for the refreshments. On the afternoon school run, a couple of the mums said how the book wasn't that great - there wasn't much to discuss, so why didn't I do a cupcake decorating class instead? We ended up having a fun evening, with some mums just hanging out chatting, and a few others really getting stuck into decorating!
 Some of my cupcakes.
On Saturday 11th, I travelled to Northampton with Lucy, and we helped set up for a Multi-Stake Valentines Dance. Once the setting up was done, Lucy and I went off to KFC to grab some food, only to come back to the church and be ambushed by a bunch of boys with snow balls. I got totally soaked!! Had a right laugh though. The dance went OK... here are some of the pictures that Kristine Chatterton took at a photo booth she had set up in the foyer.
Lucy and some of her best friends from around the stake.
Nichola and Lucy being serenaded by Ben
 Rachel and I messing around.
We got back pretty late after clearing up and everything, and also the motorway was shut, so we took a very circuitous (and completely made-up-as-we-went-a-long/just-plain-lost) route home. (Though our way actually turned out to be faster than going the official diversion way!)

The next morning I had a talk to give in Huntingdon ward.

1 comment:

pescbrico said...

Oh I want to be in your book club to decorate cakes!!! :D
This must have been a lot of fun. Your cupcakes are STUNNING. I bet you did put a lot of time into all this :)