A lazy day today (though the house is surprisingly tidy, and I did do Visiting Teaching and 4 hours of ironing yesterday...) - Harry had his first time going to playgroup on a Wednesday, and so I came home and went back to bed with a big bag of Revels and The Diary of Anne Frank. We are discussing it at bookclub tonight, and I managed to finish it (and also the Revels). I also did do some wallpaper scraping in the kitchen, and Lucy did some after school too.
I decided to make tea early tonight and the kids and I ate without Scott. They are just too hungry and tired by the time he gets in at 6, and I hate trying to cook when they are like that. We have saved our pudding to eat when he comes in and has his tea, so we will eat together a bit. It has been amazingly calm and relaxed - for tonight anyway! Anna gave me the idea of doing it that way this morning - she happened to mention that Ben read a book by one of the General Authorities, and that's how his family did it.