Thursday, 31 December 2015

First Half of September 2015

On Wednesday 2nd September, Scott was at work, and I went to Tesco. While I was away, I'd ordered a couple of vegetarian and vegan cook books, to try and increase the amount of vegetables we eat. I don't think Scott had eaten particularly healthily while he was at home on his own either, so I bought rather a large amount of fruit and veg!!

Harry went back to school on 3rd September, and the older kids went back on Monday 7th. Lucy had to let the school know on 3rd September which subjects she would be carrying on with for her A Levels. She chose Politics, History and Biology, dropping English. It was also Lucy's 3rd Diabirthday - her 3rd anniversary of getting diabetes.

Wednesday 9th September - bought myself some gorgeous flowers.

Also on the 7th I gathered together all my new craft stuff... I had ordered quite a bit of stuff while I was in France, so it was like Christmas when I got back! I'd also got some dies and stamps from Karen Burniston.

Also on the 7th, I tried out something I'd seen on Pinterest - baked pears - they were pretty good!

On Tuesday 8th September, I met up with Jo Blackhurst at her Mum and Dad's farm, for the auction of all their farm equipment. They recently sold their farm to our Church Farms - saw Ben Conway there too. I had a chat with Jo's Mum who was a little emotional. It must be strange to see everything being sold.

After the indoor lots, we went out into the fields for all the large machinery. Jo wanted to bid on a drive-on lawn mower (I think her parents had offered to give it to her, but Richard said they'd bid.)
Me perusing the catalogue! (I clearly looked the part, because someone asked me if I was married to a farmer!)

Jo and I hovered by the lawnmover, making jokes about scaring everyone else from bidding on it! She ended up being the only person to bid on it! I left not long after that.

On Thursday 10th September, Jo and Donna came round for a while with Donna's puppy, Loki.
We had milkshakes in my lovely new little milk bottles, then sat in the sunshine in the garden, while Loki went nuts.

On Saturday 12th, we used my box maker to make some boxes for Harry to colour in and make into a Minecraft character. He was very proud of it!

In the evening, I took Lucy and Jack to Cambridge for a Multi-Stake youth dance. Keely Watling, Scott's cousin was there, and she got all the Cryer/Watling girls together for a photo.
I spent most of the dance chatting in the Chapel with Grant, Keely's husband. He had applied to be a Fire Fighter when he was younger, and got through to the final interview, but had ended up arriving at the interview late, so didn't get in! We had a really good chat anyway.

On Sunday 13th September, Tom was set apart as the Deacon's Quorum President, with responsibility for looking after the other 12-13 year old boys at church. I'm proud of how he has taken his responsibilities seriously.
Also after church on 13th, Lucy, Scott and I met with Patriarch Wade, and after having a talk with him about Patriarchal Blessings, Lucy received hers. It was a lovely blessing, which meant a very great deal, and will continue to throughout Lucy's whole life.
In the evening we had a youth Fireside in Northampton, and I was the final speaker. I think the talk went well. I wanted to speak to the youth about my experience with the Book of Mormon over the summer, and also other aspects of my testimony. One of the Malzone twins came up to me afterwards and said he had enjoyed my talk, but it made him cry!

Harry's school friend, Henry Wakefield, came for tea on the 16th September.

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