While Scott was in his meeting, Harry and I navigated the underground - this is very good for me - anyone who has been with me in London before, knows I just follow like a sheep oblivioius to direction & signs. Harry was brilliant - it was quite packed and he just took it all in and enjoyed it, and was really well behaved.
We went to St. Pauls, and across the Millenium bridge to the Tate Modern (these are amongst my most favourite places - and it was really balmy yesterday even though I had gone fully expcting rain). Harry loved watching the boats and we spent ages on the bridge.
In the Tate Harry was most impressed with the orange paintings! I didn't realise there is a massive Monet in there too. Really nice.
We didn't stop long, then made our way to Hamleys. We found the 'Cars' cars, suffice to say...
Scott met up with us then and we had lunch at Hamleys, then decided to go on a boat down the Thames to Greenwich. The boat was pretty speedy (again - Harry was very impressed - especially at overtaking other boats!), and I got soaked at one point. The last time Scott and I went to Greenwich was when we were dating. I'd forgotten how nice it is - we wandered around the university and parks areas, and up to the observatory. Decided to make all the kids go to Greenwich Uni! We stood at the Greenwich meridian, but Harry was out of it by that point.
Headed home after that, and collected up the kids. A very nice (though tiring) day.
That all sounds so nice! I bet Harry was in heaven with trains and boats! And that huge cars display! What a nice day for you all!
love the cars photo.
harry's heaven
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